WORLD PREMIERE just wrapped up ... featured film at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival!
Sunday, Apr 23 - 2:30 PM
Saturday, Apr 29 - 4:50 PM
"The World is My Country"
The World Is My Country is about “World Citizen #1”: Garry Davis, who spent 65 years of his life as a citizen of no nation, only Earth. For years he traveled around the globe on his “World Passport" while engaging in adventures so unique that his life made a front-page headline story in The New York Times and inspired stories in The Washington Post, The LA Times and other worldwide media. Hailed by Albert Einstein for “the sacrifices he has made for the well-being of humanity,” extolled by Buckminster Fuller as the “New World Man,” and egged on by Eleanor Roosevelt to start “a worldwide international government,” Garry Davis was a pioneering thinker, an author of 10 books, and founder of the World Service Authority - an organization in Washington, D.C. that issues World Passports to stateless refugees and to people who think globally, and above the nation-states that carve up our one globe.
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>> May 1 - “Science, Law and the Quest for Freedom in the Age of Trump”
Presenter: Shawn Otto
Time & Location: Gandhi Mahal Restaurant @ 5:30 PM, Cost $25
(reservations required, email Dick Bernard to RSVP:
>> May 18 - “Global Refugee Crisis”
Presenter: Daniel Wordsworth
NOTE: All Third Thursday events are from 6:45-8:45 p.m. at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church (directions)
Learn more about upcoming CGS MN Events here.
Read Our Latest Issue:
March 2017
Promoting Global Citizenship
Learn about past third Thursday forums
Transforming the United Nations System: Designs for a Workable World
by Dr. Joseph E. Schwartzberg
Distinguished International Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota and long-time CGS-MN Board Member
Order your copy here