Featured Event

J. Drake Hamilton.jpg

THURSDAY, January 18, 7:00 – 8:45 PM

Plymouth Congregational Church
(Jackman room, lower level)
1900 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis 55403

*Abundant free parking in lot on Franklin Ave. adjacent to Church; enter building from lot on LaSalle Ave side.

Please note that the Franklin Avenue bridge over 35W is closed until mid-2018. Details available here: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/35w94/ 

"next steps on deep climate action: how can minnesota lead?"

J. Drake Hamilton, Science Policy Director, Fresh Energy

J. Drake Hamilton is the science policy director at Fresh Energy, Minnesota’s 25-year-old nonprofit focused on climate and energy policy. A geographer and climatologist by training, J. is an expert in climate policy, and will be participating in the November 2017 UN Conference of Parties meetings on climate action in Bonn. She’ll report back on what was achieved at COP23, next steps for nations and the world, and how you can act effectively. Minnesota has achieved high levels of carbon reduction at no additional cost, and--as a heartland state that is dependent on fossil fuels--has great potential to demonstrate effective climate policies at the scale of the climate problem. Fresh Energy’s work can be found online at fresh-energy.org.

This program is sponsored by CGS-MN, and co-sponsored by Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers, United Nations Association, MN, and The Advocates for Human Rights.




The following Minnesotans with a history of working for peace and justice were interviewed in May and June 2014. 

The project was conceived and interviews were conducted by Ehtasham Anwar (Pakistan), Humphrey Fellow, University of Minnesota Law School, Human Rights Center.  

Videos were recorded by Suhail Ahmed (Pakistan), Humphrey Fellow, University of Minnesota Law School, Human Rights Center.

The project was supervised by Dick Bernard, president (2005-07) of the Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers
(www.mapm.org) and then-vice-president of Citizens for Global Solutions, Minnesota (www.globalsolutionsmn.org).




January 2018


Transforming the United Nations System: Designs for a Workable World
by Dr. Joseph E. Schwartzberg

Distinguished International Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota and long-time CGS-MN Board Member

Order your copy HERE