Citizens for Global Solutions, and its affiliated Minnesota Chapter, strives to inspire Americans to engage with the world.  We recognize that in today’s interconnected world, our lives, our jobs and our families are increasingly affected by global problems. CGS-MN offers local programs that strengthen awareness of critical international issues. The focus of our programs is to offer perspectives on possible solutions to a variety of world problems on which we endeavor to shine a spotlight.


Building a just, free, peaceful and sustainable world.


  • To promote a consciousness of humanity as one community.

  • To build political will in Minnesota for global collaboration and democratic international institutions that respect the human rights of peoples and nations.

  • To advocate and educate for a model of inter-generational cooperation which can effectively address the many global challenges that we face in the present era.


See our Citizens for Global Solutions – MN upcoming events: click


Citizens for Global Solutions is Recruiting!

Join Citizens for Global Solutions Minnesota and Make a Difference!

If you are interested in joining CGS-MN, Click here


Minnesota United Nations History Project - Final Report

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The Minnesota Historical Society awarded a Minnesota Historical & Cultural Heritage grant to the Citizens for Global Solutions - Minnesota for The Minnesota United Nations History Project. The project aimed to create a digitized Minnesota United Nations (UN) History Resource File.

The final project report by CGS board member, Jim Nelson is now available. The report includes a detailed outline of the first 25 years of the UN movement in Minnesota, an annotated catalogue of historical items, and a bibliography of supplementary historical materials.


Translated from French, Mondial means, “of or involving the whole world.”  This newsletter will be published twice a year, once in December/January and again June/July.  Most articles are authored by international contributors and advocates for world federation and increased global cooperation.  The remaining pages are from Citizens for Global Solutions, the largest US member of WFM. 

Print copies of Mondial are available by request to all members or donors who have given at least $25 a year to CGS (national).  If you wish to order your free hard copy, please click here.

Our Minnesota Chapter of CGS sends print copies of Mondial to all Minnesotans who have contributed to our local chapter in the last two years. Thank you!

Peacemakers of Minnesota video series

The Peacemakers of Minnesota Video Series is a collection of interviews of key individuals who have been part of the peace and justice movement in Minnesota for decades.  The project was conceived and interviews were conducted by Ehtasham Anwar (Pakistan), Humphrey Fellow, University of Minnesota Law School, Human Rights Center.  Videos were recorded by Suhail Ahmed (Pakistan), Humphrey Fellow, University of Minnesota Law School, Human Rights Center. The project was supervised by Dick Bernard, president (2005-07) of the Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers and then-vice-president of Citizens for Global Solutions, Minnesota.